Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Siamese Cat Behavior.

  • The Siamese Cat is strange because it is independent and solitary like most cats, but it does not like to be alone.

  • It like to get it's owner's attention by making sounds. It may get jealous and throw tantrums, as well. This is a very people-orientated cat that loves being part of the family.

  • They are very heat-sensitive.

  • Siamese cats that live in warmer regions have pale colored coats while those in colder regions have darker colored coats.


History of the Siamese Cat.

By comparison to the cat you remember, the modern version of the Siamese is emaciated, with large bat-like ears, an elongated head and pencil thin legs. You might ask yourself, "Is this really a Siamese?"The short answer is 'yes', but this is certainly not the same type as you remember. Chances are what you recall is a large robust cat with a round head, normal looking ears, and lovely blue eyes. What you remember is now called a 'Traditional Siamese, or 'applehead' Siamese, while the one that dominates the show ring now is known as the Modern Siamese. If you wonder out loud about what happened, different breeders may give you very different explanations, but the truth is clearly available in any history book.

In spite of these patterns, there is no clear record of Siamese cats as a breed until the 1800s. It is clearly recorded that, in 1884 the departing British Consul-General Gould was given a Siamese cat by the Siamese king as a farewell gift, and considered it as a great honor since the cat came from those bred in the palace by the royal family.

These cats were so extraordinary that they captured immediate attention. A well-known quote from that time describes them as an "unnatural nightmare of a cat". However, whatever the initial reaction or impression, the dog-like intelligence and loyalty, mischievous sense of humor and special charm of these cats, made them a favorite of British cat fanciers. And in 1902 England founded its first Siamese cat fancier's club.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Siamese Cat Colors

Siamese cats may not always look the way that people think. There are many color and pattern variations, and they all have their own names.

This is a Traditional Siamese cat.

This is what people today see when they hear "Siamese Cat." Most people want their cats to look this way, and they love to claim that their cat is an "original" Siamese Cat. What people don't usually know is that sometimes they may not look like this.

Some other variations include:

The Lilac Point Siamese cat.

The Blue Point Siamese cat.

The Flame Point Siamese cat.